For so many reasons, travel and photography are probably two of the more fulfilling endeavors in life.
An ever-increasing number of people these days are getting into the travel photography game. And it can be overwhelming when you're just starting your journey in learning how to capture the perfect shot. There's a lot to know, and it's easy to get off track or miss some key tips that could improve your photos in the long run.
Here are some of the most important things to remember for travel photographers, as shared by Kavan Choksi, a photographer who's worked in UAE and other countries.
It's okay to use your camera phone.
Use your camera phone. It gives you plenty of opportunities at every destination while exploring, and it doesn't require much effort or know-how. If you are serious about learning the craft of editing photos, you can even download the popular VSCO app that offers tons of free presets to use when editing your photos.

Don't be afraid to shoot in auto.
The second most common mistake for beginners is constantly shooting in full manual mode (when you control everything about your camera from ISO to shutter speed to Aperture). Again, it's okay to admit you aren't an expert. Kavan Choksi mentions that some of the best photos are taken when you let your camera do all the work.
Take tons of photos.
Kavan Choksi used to do this and still does if he feels especially creative. Instead of taking one photo and setting up your next shot, try taking a few shots of the same scene. This isn't required for all travel photographers, but it's always nice to capture a scene from different angles or perspectives. A good tip is to use a tripod when taking photos in low-light locations to ensure your photos come out crisp and clean.